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Dining, Events Gourmet Evening with Stefan Eder and Eveline Wild

Gourmet Evening with Stefan Eder and Eveline Wild

June 26, 2019
Gerald Kirschner

Gerald Kirschner

Junior Manager and Head Chef

Gourmet Evening with Stefan Eder and Eveline Wild

A culinary highlight on June 26, 2019 On June 26th

Two top chefs Stefan Eder and his partner Eveline Wild, world champion confectioner and Gault Millau “Pâtissière of the year 2018”, will pamper the guests of the Hotel Gabriela. There is an extraordinary, regional gala menu with 6 courses, accompanying wine and coffee at the end. The menu is included in our "Culture and Gourmet Weeks" package. This culinary highlight costs € 140 for external guests. We look forward to your visit!

Photos: A.R.T. Editorial team

der wilde

2x Lamb with parsnip and qinoa


Apple strudel dessert

We're excited for this highlight. The exact date will be determined in the coming months. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to keep up to date.


Hotel & restaurant "Der Wilde Eder" in St. Kathrein am Offenegg


Eveline Wild & Stefan Eder with son, Kilian Eder

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