Dining Bieriges Galamenü
Bieriges Galamenü

Gerald Kirschner
Junior Manager and Head Chef

Head waiter Stefan Bichler and beer sommelier Christoph Stimpfl

Beer specialties from Mohrenbräu from Vorarlberg
The beer tasting began at 6 p.m. with an aperitif at our bar, where you could already learn and taste a lot of interesting things from the world of beer. Afterwards, our guests enjoyed a creative six-course beer menu from the Gabriela kitchen. Here, too, the defining motif was - how could it be otherwise - the beer in all its variations. Hops, malt and barley played a special role in the six fine courses. So you could discover the favorite drink of many Germans and Austrians everywhere. Be it in the beer consommé, in the beer mustard ice cream, or in the saddle of deer with a lye-beer-malt crust with sweet potatoes and red cabbage. And yes, the panna cotta also showed its beery side with pale aleschaum. A different Mohren beer was always served to go with it.
Our beer tasters know once more: Beer is not beer. The pleasure of choosing remains: between dark lager beers and amber-colored delicacies - with or without a feather-light head. In addition, the decision between a full-bodied, rounded taste, a hoppy and fruity or bitter note ... If you still wanted to drink the varied barley juice afterwards, the beer circle at our bar came full circle. If you are thirsty too, we assure you: the next one Beer tasting including a beer menu is sure to come.
We'll be happy to toast with you! For the benefit.
The Kirschner family